
How to increase low RAM in budget android phones

Most of the budget phones lacks free RAM available for other applications. This is where they lag in performance.

But there are options and various softwares available in Playstore to increase your RAM size by creating virtual RAM in your SDCard.

Simply download following two softwares to increase RAM in your android phone:-

First Software is - Swapper for root

Second Software is - Swapper2

Steps for increasing RAM

Run Swapper for Root after installing it.

Click on Active Swap on boot.

Set swap file partition to - "SD Card FAT Partition"

Enter "512" or "256" or the size you want in swap file size(in MB).

Click Save

Note - It will take few minutes depending upon the swap size.

After that Run Swapper2

Click on ads off.

Go to settings.

Check "Run swapper at startup" 

Go to swap place and change it to "/sdcard/swap.swp".

Click on swap size and choose 256 Mb

Select swappiness and set it to 100.

Check the boxes "Safe Unmount" and "Safe Remount".

Go to "Advanced Prefrences"

Check the box "Reformat swap".

Go back to main screen .

Click "ON" Button.

Wait for some time till it shows "All Done!"

Now you are done enjoy applications which needs more RAM

All the best.

Note - Methods mentioned above may corrupt your card or android OS. We are not held responsible for anything happen to your phone. You are at your own risk.


How to play *.mkv files?

MKV is a Matroska Video File format similar to popoularly known format avi. MKV is a matroska video format. It is actually a video and audio container. Its an open standard file container. The question is how to play files with .mkv extension? You need matroska player or you can download certain codecs which works perfectly with your existing player like windows media player. The list of players, codecs and their source is given below:-

a.) VLC Player - VLC player supports Matroska files and can play files like videos or audios with .mkv extension. More on VLC player. It can be downloaded from here.

b.) Codecs - You can also download various codecs for playing .mkv file in windows media player. Some of the codecs are:-

* KLM Codecs - More on KLM Codecs

* X Codec - More on X Codec * FLV Codec - More on FLV codec

c.) Matroska Players for different operating system can be downloaded from here.


How to join or merge avi.001, avi.002 etc?

Uploading or downloading a big file is a mess. So you always split file into parts. Same is the case while downloading splitted parts of the same file. The question is how to split and merge big files like avi's (movies) etc. There are many programs to split and merge big files. Best one on my view are:-

Best File Splitters & Mergers

1.) File Joiner - File Joiner is a simplest application to combine splitted files with extensions: .001, .002, .003, etc. back into one file. More on File Joiner:-

Official Site - Visit

Features - Here

Download - How to download File Joiner - Visit this section

2.) HJSplit - It is a most popular software available for free to join and split big files. More on HJSpilt:-

Official Site - Visit

Features - Here

Download - How to download HJSplitter - Visit this section.


Aakash or Ubislate7 Tablet

Datawind has launched two versions of pocket friendly Tablets for Indian Consumers. The configuration of the tablet is seven-inch touch screen, 256 MB RAM, ARM 11 processor with the Android 2.2 OS and has two USB port and also delivers HD-quality video.

Student Version is named as Aakash whereas for others it is named as Ubislate7.

This is a part of India's National Mission for Education, Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT). Roughly around 504 universities and 25,000 colleges would be the recipients of these laptops in India.

Governments plan to spread literacy via technical means.

For More Features, Configuration, How to book your Aakash, Only Few units left

More on Aakash

Book your Tablet here




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